Scholars Program:

Career Success

Steppingstone is excited to announce an expansion of our career readiness offerings, fully integrated into our Steppingstone Scholars Program.

Learn how your business can become a Career Success Partner.

The Need for Career Readiness Support

As the chart indicates, a bachelor’s degree can be a critical tool for individuals to break generational cycles of economic inequality.

Long-term, we hope to increase the pool of talented and diverse individuals joining the workforce, strengthening Boston communities, and serving as role models for the next generation.
Most graduates from Boston public schools are denied access to the benefits of a college degree, which range from more job offers and higher lifetime earnings to better health and stronger community engagement.


of BPS high school graduates enroll at four-year colleges.


of high school graduates who enroll at four-year colleges graduate within six years (which is only 20% of BPS high school graduates overall).
Data Source: College Enrollment and Completion: Trends for Boston Public School Graduates, March 2023; Success Boston/TBF
However, even those who do graduate college face obstacles in successfully transitioning to a career that increases their economic mobility. First-gen / low income (FGLI) students disproportionately face challenges:


of FGLI graduates work in jobs that do not require a college degree.


FGLI graduates earn 50% of what their continuing-gen peers earn by mid-career.
Data Source: NASPA Research/Hechinger Report; Pew Research

Our Strategic Initiative

The first stage of our career readiness programming is to support Scholars in earning a college degree.

Beginning in July 2024, services spanning the entire program will include:

  • Continued development of foundational skills in middle and high school to support academic and ultimately professional success
  • Exposure to a variety of employment paths through career panels, shadow days, field trips, and Saturday electives
  • Access to a career readiness curriculum that helps Scholars build social capital and develop skills including resume-writing, networking, interviewing, etc.
  • A Career Mentors program, with Mentors drawn from industry professionals and 1,000+ Steppingstone Alumni, to support Scholars with networking, finding internships, and overall career success
  • Immersion in their fields of interest through paid internships and other professional opportunities
  • One-on-one career counseling provided by a Steppingstone Advisor

Our programming will be tailored to the needs of each age group:

Academy & Middle School Success (Grades 5-9)
High School Success (Grades 10-12)
College Success (Grades 13+)

Get Involved as a Career Success Partner

Steppingstone is seeking corporate and nonprofit partners who are dedicated to building and supporting a diverse workforce. We are eager to connect with partners to provide opportunities such as internships, career mentors, office visits, career panels, and funding.

Thank You to Our Partners:

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